Configuring a Setup to Contain References to Remote DCOM Servers

See Also

You can include references to remote DCOM servers in your setup project. In distributed applications, the controlling client application resides on one computer, but the data is on another computer. The client application accesses the remote data through a remote DCOM server. You must first register the remote DCOM server on the client machine before it can be used.

There must be certain DCOM files available before you can configure the setup executable to reference a remote DCOM server. These files are usually labeled .tlb and .vbr, and can be created by both Microsoft® Visual J++™ and Microsoft® Visual Basic® when they build a project. Adding both of these files to the self-extracting setup executable project will enable the referencing ability of the setup project.

To add remote DCOM server files to a Visual J++ Project

  1. Display the output format tab.

  2. In the Output Format dialog box, in the Packaging Type drop-down list, choose Self-extracting Setup (.EXE).

  3. Click Include Additional Files.

  4. In the Add Additional Files dialog box, click Add. Find the .tlb and .vbr files and add both to the list in the Add Additional Files dialog box. Click OK.

    Next you can add the remote file references to your setup project.

To add remote server file references to a setup distribution unit

  1. Display the property pages of the distribution unit.

  2. Click the Remote Components tab.

  3. In the Remote Components tab, enter the name of the default remote server that you want to run the remote component. This is optional.

  4. Select the Always prompt user for server check box if you would like to ask the user for their remote server.

  5. Select the check box next to the remote components in the list. Each name in the list matches to both files (the .tlb and .vbr files) needed to reference that component. Only files you have added to the project appear here.

  6. Click OK.