Displaying the Property Pages of a Distribution Unit

See Also

You can display the property pages of a distribution unit two ways, depending on whether you created the distribution unit as a Microsoft® Visual Studio™ distribution unit project or an in-place packaging configuration of a Microsoft® Visual J++™ project.

You can see a distribution unit projects in the Project Explorer.

Displaying the property pages of a distribution unit project

  1. In the Project Explorer, choose the distribution unit project.

  2. On the Project menu, click Properties. The property pages for the selected distribution unit project appear.

In-place packaging configurations for Visual J++ projects are created when you choose Enable Packaging from the Output Format tab of the selected Visual J++ project. Because you cannot see them from the Project Explorer, you select the Visual J++ project in the Project Explorer.

Displaying the property pages of an in-place packaging configuration in a Visual J++ project

  1. In the Project Explorer, choose the Visual J++ project.

  2. Click the Output Format tab.

  3. In the Output Format dialog box, select Enable Packaging.

  4. In the Packaging Type drop-down list, choose the appropriate distribution unit: Self-extracting Setup (.EXE), Cabinet (CAB), or ZIP Archive Format (.ZIP).

  5. Click Advanced to display the property pages for the appropriate distribution unit.