Visual Component Manager Reference

See Also   

Visual Component Manager is a tool for storing, organizing, and sharing reusable components. It can contain wizards, ActiveX® components, Database Connection objects, and many other components used in Microsoft® Visual Studio™ language projects. It can even contain entire Microsoft® Visual Basic and Microsoft® Visual J++™ projects!

The following sections provide information to acquaint you with Visual Component Manager concepts, procedures, and user interface.

Section Description
Visual Component Manager Concepts Provides an overview of Visual Component Manager and its features, as well as information about how to use it to manage large collections of shared components across multiple projects and development environments.
Visual Component Manager Common Tasks Gives step by step instructions for using Visual Component Manager to publish, find, and reuse components, and on how to create repository databases both locally and on a network server for shared component management.
Visual Component Manager User Interface Reference Describes Visual Component Manager's windows, dialog boxes, commands, and wizard.