Language Reference


You can use the Visual Studio Analyzer programming interfaces to register a component or application as an event source and to generate Visual Studio Analyzer events from that component or application. You can use the programming interfaces provided whether programming in Microsoft Visual C++, Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft Visual J++, or event sources based on the remote procedure call (RPC) mechanism.

For More Information   For guidelines on using these interfaces together in your components, see Extending Visual Studio Analyzer.

For reference information describing each of the Visual Studio Analyzer interfaces, see the following sections:

Section Description
ISystemDebugEventInstallAuto, ISystemDebugEventInstall Provides reference for these interfaces, which are for installing event sources. ISystemDebugEventInstallAuto is best used in components written in Visual Basic and Visual J++; ISystemDebugEventInstall is best used in Visual C++ components.
ISystemDebugEventFireAuto, ISystemDebugEventFire Provides reference for these interfaces, which are for firing events. ISystemDebugEventFireAuto is best used in Visual Basic and Visual J++ components; ISystemDebugEventFire is best used in Visual C++ components.
VsaRpcl Provides reference for this interface, which is for installing event sources and firing events. Best used in components that are not COM-based.