MTS: Models the Microsoft Transaction Server Application


Click to open or copy the MTS model and project files.

The MTS sample is a model of the Microsoft Transaction Server, which combines the features of a TP monitor and an object-request broker in an easy-to-use package. Software developers use Microsoft Transaction Server to deploy scalable server applications built from ActiveX components, focusing on solving business problems instead of programming application infrastructure. Microsoft Transaction Server delivers the "plumbing" including transactions, scalability services, connection management, and point-and-click administration providing developers with the easiest way to build and deploy scalable server applications for business and the Internet.

The MTS sample shows you the design model of the Microsoft Transaction Server application. The model shows how the application is divided into three tiers of services:

Also, the Remote Data Objects (RDO) has been reverse engineered into the model to provide a framework for using code to create and manipulate components of a remote ODBC database system.

The MTS model was built with Microsoft Visual Modeler, version 2.0.

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