Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) can help you deploy Internet Explorer and other business applications, host and manage Web sites, and publish and share information securely across a company intranet or the Internet. IIS can help you do the following:
IIS management tools and flexible administration options can help you easily set up Web sites to distribute the browser and manage your custom packages and other content. Your organization can take advantage of these IIS site-management features:
You can create HTML page templates by using Active Server Page (.asp) files, which enable you to build dynamic Web pages for site information that is updated frequently. You can use .asp files to easily update the contents of Web pages without opening the HTML files. By keeping information, such as your site headlines, in a separate file, you can easily change the content or design of your site without updating every page. You can also keep frequently changing information in databases where it is easier to manage, and then build your Web pages from content dynamically extracted from the database. This capability means that Web sites of hundreds or thousands of pages can be reduced to a small number of .asp files.
Active Server Pages also make it easy to customize content for users. IIS Intrinsic Objects provide access to server variables, such as the user's browser type and screen resolution. An .asp file can use this information to select different graphics, layouts, or ActiveX components based on what the browser supports.
You can easily customize the content on your Web site by taking advantage of the following IIS customization features:
Using IIS logging features, you can gather detailed information about Web site visitors, such as the date and time the Web site is accessed, the client Internet Protocol (IP) address, and the browser type. IIS enables you to choose specific files for which you want to collect data, thereby reducing log file size and making it easier to interpret the log files. You can also create custom log files for processing specific user activities, such as tracking the Web site visitors who download your custom browser package.
Using Site Server Express analysis tools, you can easily identify basic trend and usage information from an IIS log file. The Usage Import and Report Writer modules of Site Server Express enable you to import an IIS log file and translate the entries into useful information about the client. Also, you can organize the information into over 20 predefined reports by using HTML or other business software file formats.
For more information about using IIS to deploy Internet Explorer, see the following: