Chapter 15Chapter image

Running the Customization Wizard

The Customization wizard is a step-by-step process organized into five stages:

The following sections provide summaries for the five wizard stages. They cover key information about each stage. You can obtain information about wizard options by clicking Help on each screen of the wizard.

Before running the wizard, you should consider reviewing Appendix D, "Checklists for Preparing to Use the IEAK." The checklist specifies the information and files you need to supply depending on your role.

Stage 1: Gathering Information

The Stage 1 options are as follows:

To see more options, click the Advanced Options button, which will display the Advanced Options dialog box, as shown in the following illustration.

Advanced Options dialog box

In the Advanced Options dialog box, you'll find the following settings:

Stage 2: Specifying Setup Parameters

Windows Update Setup for Internet Explorer 5 and Internet Tools is a small, Web-based setup package that lets users install the latest Internet Explorer components directly from a Web site. When Windows Update Setup downloads Internet Explorer 5, it breaks it up into several small segments. This makes it possible, in the event of a failure or dropped connection, to restart an installation from where it was interrupted, instead of having to start over from the beginning.

The Stage 2 options are as follows:

Stage 3: Customizing Setup

You can customize the setup program in several different ways. In addition to specifying screen options in the wizard, you can also use a setup batch file or command-line switches. For more information, see Chapter 16, "Customizing Setup."

The Stage 3 options are as follows:

Stage 4: Customizing the Browser

In this stage, you can customize the appearance and functionality of the browser. ISPs can also specify settings for Internet sign-up.

The Stage 4 options are as follows:

Stage 5: Customizing Components

In this stage, ISPs and corporate administrators can customize Outlook Express and Windows Address Book settings, if these components are included with their Internet Explorer package. For more information about Outlook Express, see Chapter 2, "Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 Components."

Corporate administrators who are distributing UNIX packages can also specify UNIX-specific file associations and default programs.

Corporate administrators, ISPs, and ICPs/developers can specify Internet settings. To see the current settings, click the Tools menu in Internet Explorer, and then click Internet Options. Corporate administrators can also determine whether users can change their settings.

The Stage 5 options are as follows:

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