Overview of Internet Information Services 5.0

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COM Components

ActiveX is a technology built on COM that allows the developer to create objects or controls that “activate” content on the Web. With tools such as Microsoft® Visual C++®, Visual Basic, or Microsoft® Visual J++®, you can develop COM components and embed them in a Web page, adding a higher level of interactivity to the page. COM components can be run on a server, on a client, or on both. The IIS 5.0 online product documentation, for example, uses Microsoft® ActiveX® control called HTML Help, located in the left­hand frame of the browser, for its table of contents. When interfacing with OLE DB, ADO, or other database-access methods to retrieve information stored in an Access or SQL Server database, you can write COM components in any COM-compliant language, such as Visual Basic, Visual C++, or Visual J++.

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