Overview of Internet Information Services 5.0

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IIS Administration Objects

IIS Administration Objects (IIS Admin Objects) are fully distributable COM objects with methods that let an application manipulate IIS 5.0 configuration keys and data in the memory-resident metabase. You can use IIS Admin Objects to write applications, such as server administration or Web authoring tools, that check and update the server’s configuration by manipulating keys and data in the metabase. You can also use IIS Admin Objects to store your IIS 5.0–related custom application configuration data in the metabase (for faster access) without filling up the Windows system registry.

IIS Admin Objects are also programmable COM objects that a script in an ASP page or custom application can call to change IIS 5.0 configuration values stored in the IIS 5.0 metabase. For example, file and directory access permissions used by IIS 5.0 are stored in the metabase. You can efficiently set these permissions for one or many files and directories with a simple script in an ASP page. The Internet Services Manager snap-in to MMC and the browser-based version of this snap-in (discussed in the next section), the Microsoft® Windows® Script Host (WSH), and custom administration applications all use IIS Admin Objects to manage IIS 5.0.

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