Migrating a Web Server to IIS 5.0

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ASP Scripting Support

ASP enables server-side scripting for IIS 5.0 with native support for VBScript and JScript development software. In addition to these native languages, the ASP environment supports any scripting language that conforms to the Active Scripting requirements when its script interpreter is installed and configured. You can obtain ASP implementations of the Perl and Python script interpreters. (Perl 5 is included on the Resource Kit companion CD.)

You can select the scripting language to use within an ASP page. If you’re migrating a CGI application written in C or Java, it may be easiest to use JScript because of its syntactical similarity. If the CGI application is written in Perl, you might find it convenient to use PerlScript.

In any case, consider using VBScript for building ASP pages. Millions of developers use the Visual Basic language. Organizations that move to VBScript can take advantage of this synergy and might find they have many more resources at their disposal.

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