Migrating a Web Server to IIS 5.0 |
Table 3.8 NES 3.5 Content Management and Corresponding IIS 5.0 Properties
NES 3.5 Configuration Setting |
Migrated by Wizard? (Y/N) |
IIS 5.0 Metabase Property |
IIS Snap-in Configuration |
Document Footer (Footer Text) | Yes | DocFooter | You can specify a document footer for the entire IIS 5.0 server, for a single Web site, or for a directory. To configure this setting, right-click the server, a Web site, or a directory; click Properties, and then click the Documents tab. |
Additional Document Directories (URL Prefix, Map to Directory) | Yes | Not applicable | The wizard creates a corresponding virtual directory. You can use the New Virtual Directory Wizard to create a virtual directory. To start the wizard, select the Web site for which you want to define a virtual directory, click the Action button, point to New, and then select Virtual Directory. |
Cache Control Directives | No | Not applicable | By default, HTML pages in IIS 5.0 are cached by proxy servers. The default value for ASP pages is “private,” meaning they cannot be cached. You can use the Response object to control whether a proxy server caches the page. |
Default MIME Type | No | Not applicable | IIS 5.0 contains a comprehensive list of MIME types. Should you need to serve new MIME types, you can add them to the list. To view or edit MIME types, right-click a Web site, choose Properties, and then select the HTTP Headers tab. Click the File Types button in the MIME Map section of the tab. |
Directory Indexing | Yes | EnableDirBrowsing | If you have selected “Simple” or “Fancy” directory indexing, the IIS Migration Wizard sets the Directory Browsing Allowed setting. To configure this setting, right-click a Web site, click Properties, and then click the Home Directory tab. |
Hardware Virtual Servers (IP Address, Document Root) | Yes | ServerBindings | This is migrated as a component of ServerBindings. To configure a virtual server, right-click a Web site, choose Properties, and then select the Web Site tab. Click the Advanced button, and add the IP address and TCP port. |
Home Page/Index File | Yes | DefaultDoc | A home page is migrated to IIS 5.0 using the default document name, and is listed ahead of any documents using index file names (according to the Index Filenames setting in this table). If no home page is listed, any specified index file names are used for the default document. |
Index Filenames | Yes | DefaultDoc | See the previous note for the Home Page/Index File. |
International Characters | No | Not applicable | With ASP pages, you specify the character set by using the Response.Charset property. |
Parse Accept Language Header | No | Not applicable | Microsoft® Indexing Service can interpret this header, in order to determine the language in which a query is being written. |
Parse HTML | No | Not applicable | By default IIS 5.0 processes files with .stm, .shtm, or .shtml file name extensions. For information about enabling and using server-side includes, see “About Server-Side Includes” in the IIS 5.0 online product documentation. |
Primary Document Directory | Yes | Not applicable | The wizard creates a corresponding virtual directory. You can use the New Virtual Directory Wizard to create a virtual directory. To start the wizard, select the Web site for which you want to define a virtual directory, click the Action button, point to New, and then select Virtual Directory. |
Software Virtual Servers (URL Host, Home Page) | Yes | ServerBindings | In IIS 5.0, you can assign any number of sites to a single IP address and distinguish them by using host headers, but no special term is employed to describe them. To configure a virtual server by using host headers, right-click a Web site, and then choose Properties. On the Web Site property sheet, click the Advanced button and enter the host header name for the IP address you want to use. |
URL Prefix, Forward Requests To | Yes | HttpRedirect | This is called redirection in IIS 5.0. To redirect a request to another resource, right-click a Web site, choose Properties, select the Home Directory tab, and then select A redirection to a URL. Type the URL in the Redirect to box. |