Migrating a Web Server to IIS 5.0 |
A common CGI application in UNIX uses commands to call a Perl script, which then pipes messages to the “mail” e-mail application. In the following example, the Perl script is named MAILPROGRAM:
#Open a pipe to the MAILPROGRAM script located in /usr/local/bin:
Open (MAILPROGRAM, "l/usr/local/bin/mail someone@microsoft.com");
#Write the e-mail message:
Print MAILPROGRAM $emailMessageText;
#Close the pipe and send the message:
When migrating to Windows 2000 Server, you can modify the Perl MAILPROGRAM script to call a Win32-compatible e-mail application, named Blat.exe. This is a simple, command-line SMTP e-mail application that works very much like mail on UNIX. You can obtain Blat.exe on the Resource Kit companion CD, or see http://www.shareware.com.
Install Blat.exe in the Web site applications directory, and be sure to configure it in the IIS 5.0 snap-in. Also, in the Services Control Panel, disable the SMTP service that comes with Windows 2000 Server.
Here is the Perl MAILPROGRAM script as used on UNIX:
Open(MAILF,"lmail-s\"Calendar activity $what $boss");>>print MAILF"For$today";
Print MAILF",and continuing for $days days";
Print MAILF"$val{$what}was";
Print MAILF"added to the schedule:\n";
Print MAILF"$val{$from}$val{$till}$work";
Print MAILF"removed from the schedule:\n";
Print MAILF"(originally was $gonzo)";
Close MAILF;
To run this script on Windows 2000 Server, replace mail
with blat
in the first line, as follows:
Open(MAILF,"lblat-s\"Calendar activity $what $boss");>>print MAILF"For$today";