Migrating a Web Server to IIS 5.0

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Migrating a Web Server to IIS 5.0

The previous section, Managing the Migration Process, gave an overview of the activities and planning steps involved in migrating Web services to IIS 5.0. The present section takes a “nuts and bolts” approach to the subject, providing information about migrating configuration settings, content, and applications to IIS 5.0 from another type of Web server. In addition to including the basic steps to accomplish this, the section explains using the IIS Migration Wizard to replicate configuration settings and content from a Web server running Apache HTTP Server, Netscape Enterprise Server, IIS 4.0, or IIS 5.0 itself to one running IIS 5.0. Should you plan to continue running another type of Web server along with IIS 5.0 on your network, you’ll find information about interoperation methods and tools as well.

This section also reviews several approaches to migrating a Web application to IIS 5.0. It suggests considerations for deciding whether or not to rewrite a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) application as an Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) extension or Active Server Pages (ASP) application in order to improve its functionality and performance.

Before migrating a Web server to IIS 5.0, you should know how to upgrade, configure, and administer the Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server operating system and should have implemented a valid Windows 2000 Server domain and network design. For references on these subjects, see Additional Resources at the end of this section.

In this section:

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