Monitoring and Tuning Your Server

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Memory Monitoring Specifics

This section is a brief review of the most important memory monitoring techniques. Many performance monitoring tools measure memory use system-wide and according to each process. These tools include Task Manager as well as the System Monitor, which is usually referred to as PerfMon (Perfmon.msc, supplanting the older Perfmon.exe). These are Windows 2000 Server administrative tools built into Windows 2000 Server. In addition, there are various tools included on the Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server Resource Kit companion CD or in Windows 2000 itself, the latter of which include Process Monitor (Pmon.exe), Process Viewer (Pviewer.exe), Process Explode (Pview.exe), and Performance Data Log Service, which is usually referred to as PerfLog, (Pdlcnfig.exe and Pdlsvc.exe). PerfLog and PerfMon can measure memory use over time. PerfMon, in particular, can read and log data from software performance counters that are built into IIS 5.0 and the Windows 2000 operating system. For more information about PerfMon, see The System Monitor in this section.

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