Monitoring and Tuning Your Server

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Monitoring Bandwidth Throttling

When you enable bandwidth throttling, IIS 5.0 activates a set of counters to monitor it. You can identify these counters by the presence of the phrase “Async I/O” in the counter name. These counters are active only when bandwidth throttling is enabled. (If bandwidth throttling is not enabled, the counters appear in PerfMon, but they always have a value of zero.)

The Async I/O counters are part of the IIS 5.0 Global performance object. They represent totals for all of the IIS 5.0 services. Bandwidth is not measured for each service. Table 5.13 lists and describes the Async I/O counters.

Table 5.13   Counters for Monitoring Bandwidth Throttling

Counter Indicates
Internet Information Services Global\ Current Blocked Async I/O Requests The number of requests blocked (that is, held in a buffer until bandwidth is available) by bandwidth throttling as reported during the most recent observation
Internet Information Services Global\ Total Allowed Async I/O Requests The number of requests allowed by bandwidth throttling since the service was last started
Internet Information Services Global\ Total Blocked Async I/O Requests The number of requests blocked (that is, held in a buffer until bandwidth is available) by bandwidth throttling since the service was last started
Internet Information Services Global\ Total Rejected Async I/O Requests The number of requests rejected by bandwidth throttling since the service was last started
Internet Information Services Global\ Measured Async I/O Bandwidth Usage/ The number of bytes sent asynchronously, averaged over a one-minute period, as indicated by a sample taken by bandwidth throttling

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