Monitoring and Tuning Your Server

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Using PerfMon to Monitor the IIS Object Cache

There are five performance objects for measuring IIS 5.0 performance:

Table 5.2 lists the counters recommended for monitoring the IIS Object Cache. You should log the counters over time to record trends in the size, content, and effectiveness of the IIS Object Cache.

Table 5.2   Counters for Monitoring the IIS Object Cache

Counter Indicates
Internet Information Services Global\
Cache Hits

Internet Information Services Global\
Cache Misses

Internet Information Services Global\
Cache Hits %

A measure of the efficiency of the IIS Object Cache. These counters demonstrate how often data sought in the IIS Object Cache is found.

Internet Information Services Global\ Cache Misses indicates how often the system must search elsewhere in memory or on disk to satisfy a request.

The first two of these counters (Cache Hits and Cache Misses) display totals since the service was started. Internet Information Services Global\ Cache Hits % displays an instantaneous value, not an average over time.

Internet Information Services Global\
Cache Flushes
How many times an object was deleted from the IIS Object Cache, either because it timed out, or because the object changed.
Internet Information Services Global\

Internet Information Services Global\
Directory Listings

The total number of objects currently stored in the IIS Object Cache.

Directory Listings is a subset of the Objects counter.

At any given time, the difference between the total number of objects and the number of Directory Listings is equal to the number of other objects stored in the cache. The Directory Listings counter is most important to servers running the FTP service.

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