Developing Web Applications

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Application Boundaries

An ASP-based application consists of all the files in its root virtual directory and in any subdirectories. An application defines a namespace (also called the application root), that begins at the root directory and includes all files, directories, and virtual directories contained within—except for those that are application roots themselves or ancestors of another application root. For example, if a virtual directory “Applications,” and its subdirectory “Isolated Applications,” are both application roots, then URLs that contain only “/Application” are part of one application, and URLs that contain “/Application/Isolated Application” are part of the other. The following figure illustrates how this looks in Internet Services Manager.

Application Roots and Virtual Directories

In the figure above, the virtual directories—ASPs and ISAPIs—are contained within the Applications namespace. The Isolated ASPs and Isolated ISAPIs virtual directories are part of the other application.

Application developers can enforce a logical division between applications with separate application roots. Any Application and Session variables created in an application’s namespace are segregated from the Application and Session variables of other applications on the server. There is currently no way to view values from other applications.

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