Developing Web Applications

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Attach a Debugging Tool to the IIS 5.0 Service

If you are using a debugging tool capable of attaching to a Windows 2000 Server process, you can use it to debug your component or extension.

To debug an ISAPI extension with Visual Studio

  1. Start the iisadmin process. This can be done from the command line with the command net start iisadmin. You can also use the Services application (in Administrative Tools) in Control Panel to start the IIS Admin Service; this will start the iisadmin process.
  2. Run Visual Studio and select the Attach to Process command from the Start Debug submenu of the Build menu.
  3. Click the Show System Process check box.
  4. Select the Inetinfo process from the list and click OK.
  5. Start the w3svc service. This can be done from the command line with the command net start w3svc. You can also use the Services application in Control Panel to start the World Wide Web Publishing Service.

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