Developing Web Applications

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Disabling Debug Exception Handling

ASP experts should recognize the following error message:

Error 'ASP 0115'
Unexpected error
A trappable error occurred in an external object. The script cannot 
continue running.

This error is caused by an access violation in a component process. The reason ASP is able to display a message is because the crash is detected by the built-in exception handling of the ASP process.

When you are debugging an application component, it is often easier to detect where faults occur when exception handling is disabled. You can disable exception handling by using the Process Options tab of the Application Configuration dialog box in Internet Services Manager. The Process Options tab appears either when editing global properties, which affect all in-process applications, or when editing the properties of an out-of-process application marked to run within its own memory space.

The extra overhead in system resources required to run an application in its own process is worth the added security of knowing a crash will not affect other applications. When you clear the Enable debug exception catching check box on the Process Options tab, ASP will not capture serious application errors. Instead, they will appear as faults in both the isolated application process and in-process components.

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