Data Access and Transactions

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Component State

Objects that discard information between uses are considered stateless. Business objects usually don’t need to maintain state to correctly process new requests; nor do they need to maintain database connections between calls. Stateless objects use fewer system resources, so they can scale better and perform more quickly.

Stateful objects, on the other hand, accumulate information over several method calls. Because a COM+ application cannot commit transactions until SetComplete is called, stateful objects effectively prevent the COM+ application from completing its work. Frequent network roundtrips and slower connections extend the lifetime of the object. The extra delay might cause server resources, such as database connections, to be held longer, and thus decrease the system resources available for other clients. A decision to hold state information in an object should be considered carefully.

As the number of concurrent transactions increases, stateless objects begin to outperform stateful ones significantly. In other words, stateless components scale better. Despite the limitations of stateful objects, it sometimes makes sense to maintain some state information, especially if it is the result of a complex or time-consuming query. Stateful objects might be used if reconstructing the object state is potentially more costly than the resources held open while it remains active.

Note   Objects that need to retain state across multiple calls from a client can protect themselves from having their work committed prematurely by the client. By calling the DisableCommit method of the ObjectContext object before returning control to the client, the object can guarantee that its transaction cannot be committed until the object has called EnableCommit.

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