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Data Warehousing and Online Analytical Processing

As organizations collect increasing volumes of data, the need to analyze and derive conclusions from raw data becomes more acute. A data warehouse is often used as the basis for a decision-support system (also referred to as a business intelligence system). It is designed to overcome some of the problems encountered when an organization attempts to perform strategic analysis using the same database that is used to perform online transaction processing (OLTP).

Typically, OLTP systems are designed specifically to manage transaction processing and minimize disk storage requirements using a series of related and normalized tables. However, when users need to analyze their data, a myriad of problems often prohibits the data from being used:

Data warehousing offers a viable solution to these problems. Basically, data warehousing is an approach to storing data in which heterogeneous data sources from across the enterprise (typically from multiple OLTP databases) are migrated to a common homogenous data store. Sometimes organizations maintain smaller, more topic-oriented data stores called data marts. Whereas data warehouses or data marts are the stores for data, online analytical processing (OLAP) is the technology that enables client applications to efficiently process the data. Data warehouses (combined with OLAP) provide the following benefits to analytical users:

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