Data Access and Transactions |
Using the same networking technologies as the Internet, the corporate intranet publishes and disseminates information. The intranet is quickly becoming an effective way to capture and present information throughout the enterprise. With the same technology used on your Web site and intranet, combined with a tight security model, you can also extend the intranet to your trading partners, contractors, and suppliers via an extranet. The extranet has become a primary means of interaction between companies that contribute to each other’s everyday business.
Extending the reach of information is a key feature of intranets and extranets. Users need to have access to information that is stored in more than one location, across multiple databases, or different file formats. Many technologies exist today to give you full access to information stored in mail systems, relational databases, file systems, and mainframes.
If information truly is your commodity, you should constantly be searching for ways to improve its content and distribution. Not only can you replace paper forms with online data entry, teams and working groups can improve their communication and productivity by sharing common resources, data, knowledge, and new ideas.