Administering an ISP Installation

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Administering an ISP Installation

This section is for Internet service providers (ISPs), Enterprise Service Providers, and Application Service Providers, of all sizes and configurations. Whether your ISP installation contains only one server, or encompasses clusters of servers in various locations, the information in this section will help you to administer your installation in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

Organized by task, the material in this section shows you how to leverage the power of Internet Information Services (IIS) 5.0 in order to streamline administration. For example, in Configuring IIS 5.0, you’ll learn how to create a company Web site and a personal Web site, and how to restrict content to certain groups of users. In Managing Your Installation, you’ll see how to automate tasks, including Web site creation and changing site permissions. You’ll also see how to leverage the replication and clustering features of Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server in order to guarantee the reliability of your installation. In addition, you’ll find information about how to take advantage of other Microsoft products that work in conjunction with IIS 5.0, adding to its power. For example, integrating IIS 5.0 with products such as Microsoft® FrontPage® Server Extensions can make it easier to automate, customize, and administer your installation. And in Customizing Your Installation, you’ll learn how to save money on hardware by configuring multiple sites on one computer, with one Internet Protocol (IP) address.

The last two parts of this section show you how to put everything together. The first of these, Building a Web Cluster, tells you how to set up a three-tier Web cluster. The last part, Adapting IIS 5.0 to a Sample Installation, describes a real-world ISP installation and tells you how to use IIS 5.0 for various configurations, depending on your customers’ needs.

In this section:

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