Administering an ISP Installation

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Creating a Personal Web Site

This section tells you how to set up Web sites for individual users. These sites will not have their own domain names, but will have an address in this format:

The procedure for creating a personal Web site is similar to the procedure described in Creating a Company Web Site, except that the following items will not be created:

To create a personal Web site

  1. Create a Windows user account for the user who will be publishing on this Web site.

    Optionally, create an e-mail account for the user.

  2. Create a home directory for the user, and set DACLs to grant the user full control over the directory and its contents.

    For detailed information about NTFS DACLs, see the “About Access Control” topic in the IIS 5.0 online product documentation.

  3. Create a virtual directory for the user and grant Read and Write permissions. This step will allow the user to add content to the site.
  4. If you want clients to be able to run scripts in Active Server Pages (ASP) on the site, in the IIS snap-in, on the Home Directory property sheet, select Scripts only in the Execute Permissions box.
  5. If you want executable (.exe) files to be available to clients, create a \Bin subdirectory and then create a virtual directory for it, with Execute permissions.
  6. Create a file called Default.htm, add it to the home directory, and indicate in the file that the site is under construction.
  7. If you want users to be able to upload content to the site, create an FTP virtual server for the directory that you created in step 2.

    For details, see the “Adding Sites” topic in the IIS 5.0 online product documentation.

  8. If you are running FrontPage Server Extensions, set up the virtual server, and allow the user to be an owner/author.

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