Administering an ISP Installation

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Introducing the FrontPage Snap-in

The FrontPage snap-in is a Windows 2000 interface similar to the IIS snap-in. While the IIS snap-in allows you to administer IIS 5.0, the FrontPage snap-in allows you to administer FrontPage Server Extensions and FrontPage-extended webs. A FrontPage web is a project containing all the pages, images, and other files that make up a Web site.

Since the FrontPage snap-in appears in the IIS snap-in, commands, property sheets, and other tools required to administer FrontPage Server Extensions are added to the IIS snap-in shell.

To access the FrontPage snap-in

  1. On the Windows Toolbar, click Start, and then click Programs.
  2. Click Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Services Manager.

You can verify that the FrontPage snap-in is installed by right-clicking the Default Web Site in the IIS snap-in and selecting All Tasks. Under All Tasks, you’ll find FrontPage administration commands. If the Server Extensions are not installed on the Default Web Site, you will see the command Configure Server Extensions. If they are installed, you will see the following FrontPage administration commands: Check Server Extensions, Open With FrontPage, Recalculate Web, and Remove Server Extensions.

The FrontPage snap-in replaces and significantly improves upon the Fpsrvwin utility, an administrative program that was included with previous versions of FrontPage. The FrontPage snap-in’s capabilities are similar to those of the Fpsrvwin, Fpsrvadm, and Fpremadm utilities.

With the FrontPage snap-in, you can do the following:

There are only two things that you can’t do with the FrontPage snap-in:

For command-line scripting, use the Fpsrvadm utility, and for remote administration, use the HTML Administration Forms or the Fpremadm utility. All of these components are installed in the following directory by default: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\40 Folder. For information about configuring these utilities, see the Microsoft® FrontPage® 2000 Server Extensions Resource Kit at

You will know FrontPage Server Extensions are enabled if you right-click on a virtual server, select All Tasks, and see either Configure Server Extensions or any of the commands associated with a server that already has the extensions installed, like Check Server Extensions or Recalculate Hyperlinks. If you do not see these commands, enable the extensions.

To enable FrontPage Server Extensions

  1. Click Console and then click Add/Remove Snap-in.

    If the Console menu shows only the Options item, choose Options, and select Always open console file in author mode. Click OK, and exit the IIS snap-in. Reopen it, and from the Console menu, select Add/Remove Snap-in.

  2. Select the Extensions tab, and make sure FrontPage Server Extensions is selected.
  3. If it is not selected, click the FrontPage Server Extensions check box, and click OK.

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