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Replicating DB2 Tables by using Host Data Replicator

If you are still using a pre-SP2 version of SNA Server 4.0, you can replicate DB2 data by using HDR and IIS 5.0.

HDR is a database replication software product that copies predefined data from IBM DB2 database tables to SQL Server 7.0 database tables. It can do so on demand, at a single scheduled time, or according to a recurring schedule. HDR has the capability to reverse the process as well, replicating SQL Server 7.0 tables for use in a DB2 database.

HDR is composed of the data replicator service (a Windows 2000 operating system service) and Data Replicator Manager (a Windows 2000 operating system application for administration). The Data Replicator Manager has a user interface similar to those that appear in SQL Enterprise Manager and in the scheduling portions of SQL Executive.

See the following:

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