Windows 2000 TCP/IP

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Windows 2000 TCP/IP

Microsoft has adopted TCP/IP as the strategic enterprise network transport for its platforms. Microsoft 32-bit TCP/IP for Microsoft® Windows® 2000 is a high-performance, portable, 32-bit implementation of the industry-standard TCP/IP protocol. This chapter provides additional technical details about the Microsoft 32-bit TCP/IP protocol as implemented in Windows 2000. The Windows 2000 TCP/IP protocol driver described in this chapter is shared by all Microsoft 32-bit TCP/IP protocol stacks, including TCP/IP for Microsoft® Windows NT® Server, Microsoft® Windows NT® Workstation, Microsoft® Windows® 95, and Microsoft® Windows® 98. However, there are small differences in implementation, configuration methods, and available services.

This chapter is intended for network engineers and support professionals who are already familiar with TCP/IP or who have read the "Introduction to TCP/IP" in this book and the product documentation about TCP/IP supplied with Windows 2000.

In This Chapter

Overview of Windows 2000 TCP/IP

Architecture of Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows 2000

NDIS Interface and Below

Core Protocol Stack Components

Network Application Interfaces

Client Services and Components

Related Information in the Resource Kit



This chapter mentions many Windows 2000 registry entries for TCP/IP. For more information about these registry entries, see the Technical Reference to the Windows 2000 Registry.

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