Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

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Moving the DHCP Server Database

You may need to move a DHCP database to another computer. To do this, use the following procedure.

To move a DHCP database

  1. Stop the Microsoft DHCP service on the current computer.
  2. Copy the \System32\Dhcp directory to the new computer that has been configured as a DHCP server. Make sure the new directory is under exactly the same drive letter and path as on the old computer. If you must copy the files to a different directory, copy Dhcp.mdb, but do not copy the .log or.chk files.
  3. Start the Microsoft DHCP service on the new computer. The service automatically starts using the .mdb and .log files copied from the old computer.

When you check DHCP Manager, the scope still exists because the registry holds the information on the address range of the scope, including a bitmap of the addresses in use. You need to reconcile the DHCP database to add database entries for the existing leases in the address bitmask. As clients renew, they are matched with these leases, and eventually the database is again complete.

To reconcile the DHCP database

  1. In DHCP Manager, on the Scope menu, click Active Leases.
  2. In the Active Leases dialog box, click Reconcile.

Although it is not required, you can force DHCP clients to renew their leases in order to update the DHCP database as quickly as possible. To do so, type ipconfig/renew at the command prompt.

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