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Subnet Objects in the QoS ACS Console

For each managed subnet, you must create a subnet object. The properties in this object are used to configure all QoS ACS server properties on that subnet. This ensures that all QoS ACS servers (whether primary or backup) on the subnet handle client requests in the same way.

A subnet object is linked to the physical subnet and the QoS ACS server by the subnet IP address. The subnet object properties determine:

You must first create a subnet object before you can add subnet-level user policies.

Subnet properties are not to be confused with subnet-level user policies. You create a subnet object to set the traffic limits for the subnet and the QoS ACS server properties for the QoS ACS servers managing the subnet. Subnet-level policies, held in the Subnet container in the QoS ACS snap-in, specify user policies for requesting bandwidth on that subnet.

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