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Policy Store

The policy store for QoS ACS policy is Windows 2000 Active Directory. This provides a secure, replicated, persistent store of QoS ACS policy information. The information for the QoS ACS is owned by the QoS ACS and can only be changed by programs that run with QoS ACS administration privileges. QoS ACS objects in Active Directory are protected by security settings, so a QoS ACS server needs at least read-access to those objects. Creating and manipulating these objects requires administrative privileges.

The QoS ACS can access the policy data once it knows the name of the subnet for which it is the QoS ACS. The name of the subnet is configured when the QoS ACS service is installed on a Windows 2000-based server. Each subnet must be named so that configuration and policy information can be stored in the Active Directory. For a single LAN Ethernet configuration, the name of the subnet can be the IP prefix, for example, Alternately, the network administrator can select names other than IP prefix names if there is more than one shared subnet per logical IP subnet.

Each QoS ACS locates its configuration using its subnet name to navigate to the correct container in Active Directory and read and cache the policy data at startup. Within Active Directory there is a QoS ACS service node that is the container for all information pertaining to QoS ACS policies and configurations. A QoS ACS server pulls its configuration information from Active Directory and the configuration information can be cached if it is sufficiently small.

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