TCP/IP Remote Utilities

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This connectivity tool starts terminal emulation with a remote host running a telnet server service. Telnet provides DEC VT 100, DEC VT 52, or ANSI emulation, using the connection-based services of TCP.

To provide terminal emulation from a Windows computer, the remote host must be running TCP/IP and a telnet server service. The Windows-based telnet user must also have a user account on the remote telnet server.

To start the telnet client, type telnet at a command prompt. The syntax and usage for starting the telnet client from the command prompt are described in this section.



Windows 2000 Server and Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Professional provide the telnet client tool and also provide a telnet server. This service is built in, but the service must be started before it can serve telnet clients.


telnet [host [port]]



Specifies the host name or IP address of the remote host to which you want to connect.


Specifies the remote port you want to connect to. If unspecified, the default connection TCP port value is 23.

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