TCP/IP Remote Utilities

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This connectivity command copies files between a computer running Microsoft® Windows® 2000 and a computer running Rshd, the remote shell server service or daemon. The rcp command can also be used for third-party transfer to copy files between two computers running Rshd when the command is issued from a Windows 2000–based computer. The Rshd server service (daemon) is available on UNIX computers, but not on a Windows 2000–based computer. The computer running Windows 2000 can only participate as the computer from which the commands are issued. The remote computers must also support the Rcp tool in addition to running Rshd.


rcp [–a] [–b] [–h] [–r] [source1 source2 sourceN] [destination]



Specifies ASCII transfer mode. This mode converts the carriage return/linefeed characters to carriage returns on outgoing files, and linefeed characters to carriage return/linefeeds for incoming files. This is the default transfer mode.


Species binary image transfer mode. No carriage return/linefeed conversion is performed.


Transfers source files marked with the hidden attribute on the computer running Windows 2000. Without this option, specifying a hidden file on the rcp command line has the same effect as if the file did not exist.


Recursively copies the contents of the all subdirectories of the source to the destination. Both the source and the destination must be directories.


source and destination

Must be of the form [host[.user]:]filename. If the [host[.user]:] portion is omitted, the host is assumed to be the local computer. If the user portion is omitted, the currently logged-on Windows 2000 user name is used. If a fully qualified host name is used, which contains the period (.) separators, then [.user] must be included. Otherwise, the last part of the host name is interpreted as the user name. If multiple source files are specified, destination must be a directory.

If the file name does not begin with a forward slash (/) for UNIX computers or a backslash (\) for Windows-based computers, it is assumed to be relative to the current working directory. Under Windows 2000 this is the directory from which the command is issued. On the remote computer, it is the logon directory for the remote user. A period (.) means the current directory. Use the escape characters (\, ", or ') in remote paths to use wildcard characters on the remote host.

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