Introducing Windows 2000 Deployment Planning

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Information Publishing and Sharing

Windows 2000 information publishing and sharing technologies make it easier to share information over your organization's intranet, extranet, or the Web. Table 1.9 highlights features for information publishing and sharing.

Table 1.9 Information Publishing and Sharing

Feature Description Benefits
Integrated Web services Windows 2000 Server integrated Web services allow you to use a variety of Web publishing protocols. Flexible opportunities for publishing information on your extranet, intranet, or the Web.
Indexing Services Integrated index services allow users to perform full text searches on files in different formats and languages. Improves productivity.
Removable Storage Consists of server and tool components for delivering audio, video, illustrated audio, and other types of multimedia over networks. New opportunities in training, collaboration, and information sharing improve productivity.
Printing Windows 2000 makes all shared printers in your domain available in Active Directory. Allows users to quickly locate the most convenient printing source.

For more information about deploying Windows 2000 information publishing and sharing services, see "Upgrading and Installing Member Servers"in this book, and the Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server Resource Kit Internet Information Services Resource Guide.

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