Deploying Terminal Services

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Terminal Services Deployment Planning Task List

Table 16.2 summarizes the tasks you need to perform when planning a Terminal Services Deployment.

Table 16.2 Summary of Planning Tasks for Terminal Services

Task Location in chapter
Select Remote Administration or Server Application mode. Overview of Terminal Services
Determine licensing requirements. Overview of Terminal Services
Determine how you want to utilize Terminal Services in your business environment. Creating Your Terminal Services Deployment Plan
Document the existing computing environment. Creating Your Terminal Services Deployment Plan
Describe how the deployment project meets the requirements that have been identified. Creating Your Terminal Services Deployment Design
Develop a plan for implementing Terminal Services including networking, security, and domain structure. Creating Your Terminal Services Deployment Design
Establish guidelines and standards for server deployment including CPU, storage, and so on. Configuring Servers for Terminal Services Deployment
Prepare to deploy to your client environment. Preparing for Client Deployment
Prepare to test and pilot your deployment plan. Planning for Testing and Piloting
Prepare to provide support. Using Help Desk and Administrative Tools

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