Building a Windows 2000 Test Lab

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Building the Lab

Once you have designed and documented your lab, have your project subteams review the plan to ensure that all the necessary conditions have been addressed. When the lab plan has been approved, you can start acquiring and installing the hardware and software.

If you plan to rebuild the lab periodically as your testing focus changes, consider using tools or products such as SMS to manage the lab changes. Also consider using the Remote OS Installation feature to help you rapidly make changes to the client computer configurations in the lab. For more information about using Remote OS Installation to automate client computer installations, see "Automating Client Installation and Upgrade" in this book. Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI) and Windows Script Host can help you quickly create, delete, or change users, groups, and organizational units in your lab environment.

As you build and rebuild the lab, document in chronological order every change you make to servers and client computers. This documentation can help you resolve problems and understand why a specific computer behaves as it does over time. It can also help you reverse recent changes to solve a short-term problem.

Building the lab involves the following steps:

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