Defining a Client Connectivity Strategy

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Windows Client to Novell Server

Administrators have several options to enable clients to access file and print services on a Novell server:

Install Microsoft Client Services for NetWare    As discussed in "IPX Network Clients" earlier in this chapter.



Client Services for NetWare only works over the IPX/SPX protocol. Interoperability with NetWare 5.0 servers running only the TCP/IP protocol must use the Novell Client.

Install a Common Internet File System add-on to Novell NetWare server   Windows 2000 Professional uses the Common Internet File System (CIFS) protocol for file and print services. CIFS is an enhanced version of the Microsoft Server Message Block (SMB) protocol. Installing a CIFS snap-in makes the NetWare server respond like a Windows 2000–based server to Windows–based clients. Even with all computers on the network running IPX, Windows clients are able to access file and print services on the Windows 2000–based server without any add-on software.

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