Defining a Client Connectivity Strategy

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Windows Client to Mixed Novell NetWare and Windows 2000 Server Environment

Even if all computers on the network run IPX, clients might still be unable to access file and print services on a Novell server if the Novell server is running NetWare Core Protocol and the Windows clients are running CIFS (by default through Microsoft Client for Microsoft Networks). You have several options to permit communication between Windows clients and NetWare and Windows 2000–based servers:

Option 1: Install File and Print Services for NetWare    File and Print Services for NetWare enables a Windows 2000 Server–based server to respond like a NetWare server to any client. When users log on to a computer running Windows 2000 Server, their interface looks like they have logged on to a NetWare 3.x Server. File and Print Services for NetWare, which runs as part of the NWLink IPX/SPX–compatible service, enables Windows 2000 Server to emulate a NetWare file and print server by using the same dialogs as a NetWare server. You can manage Windows 2000 Server file and print services with NetWare tools, eliminating the need for retraining. Also, when you use File and Print Services for NetWare you do not have to make changes to NetWare clients. For example, a client application that uses NetWare protocols and naming conventions needs no redirection or translation.



File and Print Services for NetWare works only on systems running Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2000 Advanced Server.

Option 2: Install Gateway Services for NetWare   With Gateway Services for NetWare installed, Windows 2000 Server becomes a gateway for CIFS-based Windows clients communicating with a NetWare server, allowing users to access all of the resources on that server. Clients running Windows 95 and later can access NetWare resources using TCP/IP, the native network communication protocol for Windows 2000 operating systems. In addition, Gateway Services for NetWare allows Windows 2000 network clients to access files on a NetWare server without requiring a NetWare client redirector or an IPX/SPX protocol stack (such as NWLink). These efficiencies reduce the administrative load for each client and improve network performance. Gateway Services for NetWare also supports Novell Directory Services navigation, authentication, printing, and logon scripts. Gateway Services for NetWare lets a computer running Windows 2000 Server function as a communications gateway server to a NetWare network, resharing the network connections from the NetWare server.

Printing to NetWare Printers

In addition to traditional printer sharing services, Windows 2000 Professional supports Novell Distributed Print Services, which is an enhanced printing architecture in NetWare 5 that integrates printing services into Novell Directory Services. Novell Distributed Print Services also supports bidirectional printer communication, single-seat printer administration, and automatic installation of the correct printer drivers on a client the first time a printer is used.

After a Novell Distributed Print Services printer has been configured on a NetWare server, you can install a printer using the following procedure.

To install a printer on a NetWare server

  1. Locate the printer you want to install in Network Places.
  2. Right-click the printer icon and then click Connect.
  3. The server installs and configures the correct driver according to the computer operating system.

Print support for NetWare versions 2.x, 3.x, and 4.x is included with Windows 2000 Professional. You can establish network printer connections directly or by mapping an LPT port or a UNC port. Because Novell Distributed Print Services requires Novell Directory Services, the ability to use Novell Distributed Print Services requires the Novell NetWare Client.

UNIX Network Clients

In order for computers to communicate with one another, they need to run the same protocols. In Figure 22.2, the entire network is running the TCP/IP transport protocol. On top of the TCP/IP layer, the UNIX Server in is running the Network File System (NFS) application protocol (NFS is the UNIX standard for file and print services), and the Windows 2000 Server operating system is running the CIFS application protocol.

Enlarge figure

Figure 22.2 UNIX and Windows NT Network

After it is in communication, each operating system supports additional capabilities, such as centralized management; remote access and other features that are either integrated into the operating system or available using add-on products from Microsoft; UNIX vendors; or independent software vendors.

The following is an overview of options available for integrating UNIX and Windows-based environments:

Add NFS add-on to clients   One of the most common ways to provide interoperability is to add NFS capabilities to desktop systems such as those provided by Services for UNIX.

Add CIFS capabilities to the UNIX server   Install a CIFS add-in to the UNIX server. This makes the UNIX server respond like a Windows 2000–based server to any of the Windows-based clients.

Use NFS Gateway with Windows 2000 Server   By installing an NFS gateway product such as Services for UNIX, the Windows 2000–based server becomes a gateway for CIFS-based Windows clients communicating with the UNIX server. Users can access all of the resources on a UNIX server as if it were a standard Windows 2000 Server file share.

Utilize Integrated Telnet and File Transfer Protocol Clients   Windows 2000 Server provides Telnet and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) clients as standard components in the operating system. Using these clients, Windows 2000 Professional users can establish standard VT100 shell sessions with any UNIX system supporting the Telnet protocol, or can use FTP to transfer files between the UNIX and Windows 2000 Professional system.

AppleTalk Network Clients

You can add Services for Macintosh to Windows 2000 Server to allow Macintosh systems to access these servers. A Windows 2000 Server–based server configured in this way appears in an AppleTalk zone and allows access the same way as any other Macintosh system.

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