Sample Answer Files for Unattended Setup |
The following answer file installs Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server with two network adapters; one adapter uses Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), and the other uses static information.
; Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, Advanced Server
; © 1994–1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
; Sample Answer File for Unattended Setup
; This file contains information about how to automate the installation
; or upgrade of Windows 2000 Server or Windows 2000 Advanced Server so
; that the Setup program runs without requiring user input.
UnattendMode = FullUnattended
TargetPath = Winnt
Filesystem = ConvertNTFS
; Sets the TimeZone. For example, to set the TimeZone for the
; Pacific Northwest, use a value of "004." Be sure to use the
; numeric value that represents your own time zone. To look up
; a numeric value, see the Unattend.doc file on the Windows 2000 CD.
TimeZone = "YourTimeZone"
; It is recommended that you change the administrator password
; before the computer is placed at its final destination.
AdminPassword = AdminPassword
; Tells Unattended Setup to turn AutoLogon on and log on once.
AutoLogon = Yes
AutoLogonCount = 1
; This section is used for server installs.
AutoMode = "PerServer"
AutoUsers = "50"
FullName = "Your user name"
OrgName = "Your organization name"
; It is recommended that you avoid the use of spaces in the
; ComputerName value.
ComputerName = "YourComputer_name"
; To ensure a fully unattended installation, you must provide a value
; for the ProductId key.
ProductId = "Your product ID"
BitsPerPel = 8
XResolution = 800
YResolution = 600
VRefresh = 70
; When you set the value of the InstallDefaultComponents key
; to Yes, Setup will install default networking components.
; The components to be set are TCP/IP, File and Print Sharing,
; and Client for Microsoft Networks.
InstallDefaultComponents = Yes
JoinDomain = YourCorpNet
DomainAdmin = YourCorpAdmin
DomainAdminPassword = YourAdminPassword
; In this example, there are two network adapters, Adapter01
; and Adapter02. Note that the adapter specified here as 01 is not
; always local area network (LAN) connection 1 in the user interface.
Adapter01 = Params.Adapter01
Adapter02 = Params.Adapter02
; Specifies which adapter is number one. Note that the InfID key
; must match a valid PNP ID in the system. For example, a valid
; PNP ID might look like the following: InfID = "pci\ven_0e11&dev_ae32"
InfID = "Your_PNP_ID_for_Adapter01"
; Specifies which adapter is number two. Note that the InfID key must
; match a valid PNP ID in the system. For example, a valid PNP ID
; might look as follows: InfID = "pci\ven_8086&dev_1229&subsys_00018086"
InfID = " Your_PNP_ID_for_Adapter02"
; Installs the Client for Microsoft Networks.
MS_MSClient = params.MS_MSClient
; Installs only the TCP/IP protocol.
; This section configures the TCP/IP properties.
AdapterSections = Params.MS_TCPIP.Adapter01,params.MS_TCPIP.Adapter02
; Adapter01 uses DHCP server information.
SpecificTo = Adapter01
DHCP = Yes
Wins = Yes
; Adapter02 uses static TCP/IP configuration.
SpecificTo = Adapter02
IPAddress =
SubnetMask =
DefaultGateway =
Wins = No
; Install File and Print services.
MS_Server = Params.MS_Server