Active Directory Schema

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Disabling Existing Classes and Attributes

Disabling schema classes and attributes is subject to the following restrictions:

To disable an attribute, set the isDefunct attribute of its attributeSchema object to TRUE. When an attribute is disabled, new instances of the attribute can no longer be created. To re-enable the attribute, set the isDefunct attribute to FALSE.

To disable a class, set the isDefunct attribute of its classSchema object to TRUE. When a class is disabled, new instances of the class can no longer be created. To re-enable the class, set the isDefunct attribute to FALSE.

Effect of Deactivating a Schema Object on All Objects

After a class A is made defunct, any subsequent addition or modification of instances of A fails as if A has been deleted from the system; that is, the same error codes are returned as if A never existed at all. For example, creating a new instance of A fails and trying to modify or rename an existing instance of A fails. Similarly, if an attribute B is made defunct, B is treated as nonexistent for new object creations and attempts to modify (add or replace) the value of B in an existing object fail.

However, any search or deletion in an object behaves as if no schema objects have been made defunct, the only exception being that schema objects are not allowed to be deleted. So in the preceding example, the user still is able to search for all existing instances of A and delete them if necessary. Similarly, the user can search for all instances that have a value for the attribute B and delete B from such an existing object. This behavior is retained to allow the user to clean up if necessary after a schema object is made defunct. For example, the administrator can decide that a class is not needed anymore and make it defunct so that no one can use it for any modifications. The existing instances of the class can then be cleaned up by searching for all instances and deleting them. Active Directory does not perform any cleanup after a schema object is made defunct.

Similarly, an attribute can be made defunct, and all its uses can be cleaned up. Note that you can delete only the entire attribute from the object, not the values of the attribute. For example, in the preceding example, if B is a multivalue attribute and an object had more than one value for B, trying to delete a value of B from the object fails. This behavior is enforced because there is no reason not to delete the attribute totally when cleaning up a defunct object.

Effects of Deactivating a Schema Object on Schema Updates

In addition to the effects on the instances of the schema object, there are some additional effects on subsequent schema updates when you make a schema object defunct. The additional effects arise mostly because schema updates are subject to special validation checks to which nonschema object updates are not subjected. If a class A or attribute A is made defunct, subsequent schema updates show the following behaviors:

This ability to make schema objects defunct can be very useful in different ways in production environments. Schema objects that are no longer needed can be cleaned up by making them defunct. Then existing instances of those classes or attributes can be deleted if desired. At the same time, if the same schema object is found to be of use later, it can be brought back quickly by modifying the object by removing the isDefunct attribute on it. This also protects against the accidental removal of a schema object by mistake (by making it defunct). The operation can be reversed easily with no side effects. Note that because Active Directory does not do any cleanup after a schema object is made defunct, all instances of the schema object that was made defunct by mistake remain and become valid, normal objects when the defunct schema object is made active again.

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