Choosing Security Solutions That Use Public Key Technology

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Testing Your Proposed Security Plan

No matter what security solutions you choose, always test them in test laboratories and in pilot programs before you deploy them in your production environment. Testing ensures that you have designed the right system for the needs of your organization. Always test a system in simulations of the actual network environments that exist in your organization.

During testing, be sure the system not only performs properly but also provides the level of security that you expect. Test all features and functions of the system. Develop and use formal test plans; these help ensure that all security measures are, in fact, thoroughly tested.

Many organizations now employ special security teams to launch real-world security attacks on their network security to discover and report weaknesses in their systems, in addition to testing their proposed systems in test laboratories and pilot programs. Through these efforts, organizations frequently discover and correct security weaknesses before real attackers have a chance to discover and exploit them. Consider implementing an ongoing program for field testing and improving your network and information security systems. Regular field testing can help you achieve a high level of assurance for the security of your information.

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