Interpreting the Cluster Log

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Initializing the Node

The following entries represent initialization of the local node.

378.32c::1999/06/09-18:00:18.874 Cluster Service started - Cluster Node

  Version 3.2051

378.32c::1999/06/09-18:00:18.874                           OS Version 


Note that the preceding entries include, with the time the Cluster service started, the version number of the Cluster service and of the node's operating system.

378.380::1999/06/09-18:00:18.874 [CS] Service Starting...

378.380::1999/06/09-18:00:19.210 [EP] Initialization...

378.380::1999/06/09-18:00:19.218 [DM]: Initialization

378.380::1999/06/09-18:00:19.226 [DM]: Loading cluster database from 


In the preceding entry, the Database Manager loads the cluster database into the local registry. Later, the Database Manager updates the cluster's registry data with any cluster database checkpoints or quorum log change records that are more recent than the version of the cluster database that it just loaded into the cluster registry key.

378.380::1999/06/09-18:00:19.382 [DM] DmpStartFlusher: Entry

378.380::1999/06/09-18:00:19.382 [DM] DmpStartFlusher: thread created

378.380::1999/06/09-18:00:19.406 [NM] Initializing...

378.380::1999/06/09-18:00:19.429 [NM] Local node name = NODE1.

378.380::1999/06/09-18:00:19.429 [NM] Local node ID = 1.

The last two, preceding entries identify the node the name and ID of the node whose activity this log tracks. This identity is important for tracking interactions in the various nodes' cluster logs.

378.380::1999/06/09-18:00:19.429 [NM] Creating object for node 1 (NODE1)

378.380::1999/06/09-18:00:19.429 [NM] Initializing networks.

378.380::1999/06/09-18:00:19.437 [NM] Initializing network interfaces.

378.380::1999/06/09-18:00:19.609 [NM] Initialization complete.

378.380::1999/06/09-18:00:19.632 [FM] Starting worker thread...

378.3a8::1999/06/09-18:00:19.632 [FM] Worker thread running

378.380::1999/06/09-18:00:19.632 [API] Initializing

378.380::1999/06/09-18:00:19.632 [lm] :LmInitialize Entry.

378.380::1999/06/09-18:00:19.640 [lm] :TimerActInitialize Entry.

378.380::1999/06/09-18:00:19.640 [CS] Service Domain Account =


378.380::1999/06/09-18:00:19.640 [CS] Initializing RPC server.

378.380::1999/06/09-18:00:19.734 [INIT] Attempting to join cluster


After it is initialized, the Cluster service immediately tries to join a cluster.

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