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Disk quotas track and control disk space use for user data stored on the network. By using disk quotas, you can configure Windows to do the following:
When you enable disk quotas, you can set two values: the disk quota limit and the disk quota warning level. The limit specifies the amount of disk space that a user is allowed to use. The warning level logs a system event when the user nears the quota limit. For example, you can set a user's disk quota limit to 50 megabytes (MB) and the disk quota warning level to 45 MB. The user cannot store more than 50 MB of files on the volume (the area on the server where a user's data is stored). And if they store more than 45 MB of files on the volume, the disk quota system logs a system event.
If a user requires additional disk space, you can specify that they can exceed their quota limit. You can also specify not to log an event when a user exceeds either their quota warning level or their quota limit. Enabling quotas without limiting disk space use is useful when you do not want to deny users access to a volume, but you want to track disk space on a per-user basis.
For additional information about disk quotas, see Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Help.