Remote OS Installation

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Using Client Installation Wizard to Install Clients

The Client Installation Wizard supports two types of operating system images: CD-based flat images and RIPrep image formats. When a new remote boot-enabled client is started for the first time, the user selects the F12 key to initiate the download of the Client Installation Wizard.

Both the CD-based and RIPrep image formats can be displayed in the list of available installation options on the screen. The installation process is initiated when the user selects one of the operating system image options.

The actual screens displayed to users during the Client Installation Wizard can be completely customized to reflect an organization's internal requirements, such as Help desk contact information or other settings related to operating system installations. You can configure RIS servers to guide users through a successful operating system installation without requiring them to select a specific operating system image, or you can give them the flexibility to select the operating system of their choice.

The following sections describe the default implementation of the Client Installation Wizard by RIS. Details about the installation options that an administrator can choose to present to users during the initial network service request are also included.

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