Remote OS Installation |
One way that you can customize Client Installation Wizard screens is by creating additional screens that prompt the user for custom information required to perform the installation. Any settings that you can specify in an answer file you can create prompts for and set with OSC variables in the Client Installation Wizard. Remote OS Installation replaces the variables in the answer file with the values entered in the Client Installation Wizard screens when it creates the temporary answer file for the client installation. In most cases, this allows you to have greater flexibility when automating a setup than having to create an answer file for each possible scenario.
OSC variables are status variables and variables collected through user input in Client Installation Wizard screens. You can add variables and have them used in other Client Installation Wizard screens, or have them inserted in the generated answer file that the client uses when installing the image. You can use up to 64 unique variables per client session; however, there are some variables that are reserved and are set or used internally by RIS.
OSC variables cannot be defined prior to the user logging on. The only exception to this rule is the
The following sections describe how you can modify the default Client Installation Wizard screens to add an additional screen that prompts users to enter settings for their video display. To do this, you need to modify one existing screen, OSChoice.osc, and create one new screen, Display.osc. After creating and modifying these files you can then modify the answer files to work with the new OSC variables.
As soon as a modified or new OSC file is placed on the server, users can see it. Be sure to test your changes carefully on a nonproduction RIS server before making changes to RIS servers that are supporting users in the production environment. In addition, changes to OSC files must be performed on all wanted RIS servers individually. There are no capabilities provided to synchronize changes in OSC files across multiple RIS servers.
To enable the display of the new screen, modify the OSChoice.osc screen to display the new display settings screen (Display.osc) when ENTER is pressed, instead of the default Warning.osc screen. No changes are required to the text or options displayed by OSChoice.osc, only the screen that is displayed next must be changed.
To modify the OSChoice.osc file
After this change is made, the Display.osc screen is displayed as the next screen. The following is the OSCML text for the modified OSChoice.osc file that you create in Notepad:
<TITLE> Client Installation Wizard OS Choices</TITLE>
<FOOTER> [ENTER] continue [ESC] go back [F3] restart computer</FOOTER>
<BODY left=5 right=75>
Use the arrow keys to select one of the following operating systems:
<P left=8>
The Display.osc file allows the user to change the default video display settings to be used on the client. Each input control is preset with a default value, and example values are displayed on the screen. The result of each input is stored in an OSC variable. The following procedure shows a way that you can modify a Display.osc screen.
To create a new Display.osc screen
<TITLE> Client Installation Wizard Custom Setup</TITLE>
<FOOTER> [ENTER] continue [ESC] go back [F1] help [F3] restart computer</FOOTER>
<BODY left=5 right=75>
Please enter your desired Display settings or accept the defaults below.
X resolution: <INPUT NAME="X-res" VALUE="640" SIZE=4 MAXLENGTH=4><BR>
Y resolution: <INPUT NAME="Y-res" VALUE="480" SIZE=4 MAXLENGTH=4><BR>
Refresh rate: <INPUT NAME="Refresh" VALUE="60" SIZE=3 MAXLENGTH=3><BR>
X resolution: 1024<BR>
Y resolution: 768<BR>
Refresh rate: 70<BR>
Figure 24.6 shows how the display.osc screen appears in the Client Installation Wizard.
Figure 24.6 Client Installation Wizard Results for Display.osc
When you modify screens and create new OSC variables, you also need to update the answer files to accept the new variables. Modify each answer file that can be selected by the user while using the custom screens. The following example creates variables for the X and Y resolution of the display ("X-Res" and "Y-Res") and the screen refresh rate ("Refresh").
OSC variables in the answer file are identified by % signs around the value. For example, Refresh is referenced as
To modify files to work with the new OSC variables
XResolution = %X-Res%
YResoultion = %Y-Res%
VRefresh =
With these modified files in place, the user is prompted to adjust the default video display settings. The user's input is incorporated into the answer file that is used during installation.
When creating OSC variables, be sure that you do not use variable names reserved for use by RIS internally. For a list of those used internally by RIS, see the following section.