Troubleshooting Change and Configuration Management

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BINL Server Does Not Respond and No Scope Problem Error Message Appears

The user attempts to use Remote OS Installation to install Windows 2000 on his or her computer, but no boot information negotiation layer (BINL) server responds to his or her request. An error message appears that indicates that a scope issue is preventing the BINL server from answering.

Possible Causes:

If the DHCP and BINL server are running on the same server, the DHCP server always sees the client request first; therefore, the DHCP server must have a scope defined for the client's subnet, or the packet will be dropped and the BINL server will never have an opportunity to respond.

Diagnostic Tests:

Either create a scope within DHCP or, if the DHCP service is not needed on this server, remove the DHCP service.

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