Troubleshooting Change and Configuration Management

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Troubleshooting Tools

There are many tools you can use to troubleshoot Change and Configuration Management issues. Some of these tools are recommended in the troubleshooting issues later in this chapter. Before you use these tools, it is best to read the Help files on the Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit companion CD or the Windows 2000 CD to familiarize yourself with the procedures for using each tool. The following tools are recommended in this chapter.

Tools from the Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit CD

For more information about these tools, see Tools Help on the Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit companion CD.

Tools from the Windows 2000 Operating System CD

For more information about these tools, see Windows 2000 Support Tools Help. For information about installing and using the Windows 2000 Support Tools and Support Tools Help, see the file's readme.doc in the Support\Tools folder of the Windows 2000 operating system CD.

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