Network Printing

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Logging Spooler Events

Another source of valuable information is the spooler, which can provide data about printer traffic, hard disk space, spooler errors, and other printing maintenance issues. Use the following procedure to enable spooler event logging.

To enable spooler event logging

  1. In the Printers dialog box, click the appropriate printer.
  2. On the File menu, click Server Properties.
  3. Click the Advanced tab.
  4. Verify that the entry in the Spool folder field is the path you want; if not, type in the correct path.
  5. Select any combination of the three check boxes related to event logging to enable the information that you want, and then click OK.



These check boxes also appear in Group Policy under User Configuration.

For more information about the spooler, see "Server Spooler" earlier in this chapter.

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