Network Printing

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Supporting Non-Windows 2000 Printers

Printers that are on print servers running Windows NT 4.0 or Windows NT 3.51 can be published in Active Directory by using the Users and Computers console. Alternately, you can use the Pubprn.vbs script, which is provided in the System32 folder. You can publish all printers on a server or specify single printers to be published.

To run Pubprn.vbs, type:

Cscript c:\winnt\system32\pubprn.vbs <params>

If you don't enter any parameters, the following help message is displayed:

Usage: [cscript] pubprn.vbs server "LDAP://OU=..,DC=..."

    server is a Windows NT server name (e.g.: Server) or UNC printer name (\\Server\Printer)

    "LDAP://CN=..,DC=..." is the DS path of the target container

Example 1: pubprn.vbs MyServer "LDAP://CN=MyContainer,DC=MyDomain,DC=Company,DC=Com"

Example 2: pubprn.vbs \\MyServer\Printer LDAP://CN=MyContainer,DC=MyDomain,DC=Company,DC=Com"

For instructions about publishing printers on other network operating systems, see the Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server Resource Kit Internetworking Guide.

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