Planning a Reliable Configuration

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Contingency Planning

There are several topics that you need to keep in mind during your contingency planning.

Disaster Planning

Just as every business needs to plan and budget for future growth, you need to plan for dealing with total or partial loss of business data. To determine what provisions to make for partial or complete loss of data, estimate the approximate cost in time and money to rebuild or replace critical data. Consider the following questions:

To prevent a natural disaster or sabotage from becoming a financial disaster for your business, test your plan for recovering and restoring critical data. Keep copies of your disaster recovery plan at on-site and off-site locations. Key personnel also need to keep a copy of critical data at home.

Because many books and magazine articles discuss disaster planning and recovery in detail, this section suggests topics to explore further instead of presenting detailed disaster plans to implement. Your insurance company can provide you with current and specific information for your situation.

The following are some important issues to consider when developing a comprehensive disaster plan to incorporate into your daily operations.

Assessing the Probability of Failure

Mean time between failures (MTBF) information supplied by some equipment manufacturers is generally only helpful if you do extensive analysis and modeling based on your company's pattern of use. Thus, it is recommended that MTBF information be used only as a relative measure of reliability.

Maintaining a record of past failures and their causes can be very helpful. This information can help you categorize failures by type, such as:

The following questions can help you analyze failures and your procedures for handling them:

Estimating Replacement Costs

There are several ways to measure the costs of recovering from problems. Some are easy to calculate, such as:

Far more difficult to measure, but just as devastating, are the invisible costs of computer downtime, such as lost sales, lost customer goodwill, lost productivity, increased costs for makeup time, missed contractual obligations, and loss of competitiveness.

If you have kept records of failures, you might find them useful in your contingency planning. You can investigate ways to avoid each failure, or to minimize the downtime associated with the failure. If you have cost information for the failures, you can then compare the cost of each failure to the cost of preventing or minimizing the failure. Table 11.1 describes two examples of failure, the costs related to each failure, and the effects of implementing solutions or workarounds to avoid future failures.

Table 11.1 Examples of the Effects of Failure

Category Example One Example Two
Failure description File server in sales department down, network adapter failure Router failure between development and testing department
Effect Lost sales Lost productivity of employees
Total downtime last year Three hours 16 hours
Costs of failure per hour $10,000 Average hourly wage of 10 affected employees is $18/hr
Annual downtime costs $30,000 $2,880
Possible resolution or workaround Three spare network adapters at $100 each Put an alternate router in place or obtain a spare router
Expected costs of resolution or workaround $300 $500 – $2,000
Estimated savings during first year with resolution in place $29,700 $880 – $2,380

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