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Developing Backup and Restore Procedures

Backup specifics and procedures vary according to the needs of a company. After you develop your procedures based on the considerations discussed in this section, it is important to test, document, and verify them. Periodically reviewing your backup-and-restore process is a key part of ensuring data security.

Considerations for Developing Procedures

This section offers a series of checklists — suggestions and questions — to serve as flexible guidelines when you develop a comprehensive backup-and-restore process for your company.

Delegation of Tasks

It is critical that reliable personnel perform your backup and restore operations. Consider the following questions when deciding how to delegate these tasks:

Time-Sensitive Backup Questions

In addition to determining when and how often backups take place, it is important to know how long it takes to retrieve backup media and perform a restore. To determine this, ask the following questions:

In the Event of a Backup Problem

Make sure to take certain issues into consideration before a backup problem occurs:

Security Considerations

The security of your backup operations, as well as the security of the storage location, is of paramount importance. Take the following questions into consideration when planning for the security of company data:

Policy Considerations

Developing a backup-and-restore process and deciding what to back up requires that you either set or comply with company policy. Keep the following issues in mind when determining your backup plans:

Technical Considerations

You also need to determine how your backups are performed. For instance, determine the following:

Testing Backup-and-Restore Procedures

Complete verification of the entire backup-and-restore process is critical. Develop backup-and-restore strategies with appropriate resources and personnel, and then test them. Testing backup strategies also demonstrates how much time is required to restore data. A good plan ensures fast recovery of lost data.

Try performing a trial restoration periodically to verify that your files are properly backed up. A trial restoration can uncover hardware problems that do not show up with software verifications.

After a backup strategy has been designed, test it thoroughly with as many simulated failures as possible. For example, if you use disk mirroring, simulate a disk failure by removing or powering down one of the mirrors and ensure that remaining mirror continues to operate without interruption. Again, while RAID is effective, it does not eliminate the need for backups. A data recovery plan based on disk mirroring alone offers no protection if a computer is stolen.

The following questions can help you assess your verification strategy.

Documenting Backup-and-Restore Procedures

Keeping accurate backup records is essential to finding missing information quickly, particularly if you have accumulated a large number of high-volume media. Thorough records include media labels, catalogs, and online log files and log books.

Media labels   Labels should contain a date, the type of backup (normal, incremental, or differential), and a list of contents. If you are restoring from differential or incremental backups, you need to locate the last normal backup and either the last differential backup or all incremental backups created since the last normal backup. Alternately, you can label media sequentially and keep a log book of media content.

Catalogs   Most backup software includes a mechanism for cataloging backup files. Backup stores backup catalogs on the backup media and temporarily loads them into memory. Catalogs are created for each backup set, or collection of backed up files from one drive.

Log files   Log files include the names of all backed up and restored files and directories. A log file is useful when restoring data because you can print or read it from any text editor. Keeping printed logs in a notebook makes it easier to locate specific files. For example, if the tape containing the catalog of the backup set is corrupt, you can use the printed logs to locate a file.

Conducting Verify Operations

A verify operation compares the files on disk to the files on backup media. It occurs after all files are backed up or restored, and it takes about as long as the backup procedure. It is recommended that you perform a verify operation after every backup, especially if you back up to a set of media for long-term storage. A verify operation is also recommended after file recovery.



If a verify operation fails for a given file, check the date that the file was last modified. If the file changes between a backup and a verify operation, the verify operation fails.

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